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What is it ?
Helping detect gastrointestinal disorders, the GastroCH4ECK® is the newest member of the Gastrolyzer® family. It is a portable breath analysis monitor that measures accurate and real-time combined CH4, H2 and O2. This monitor is intended for multi-patient use by healthcare professionals in a clinical environment. Portable breath methane, hydrogen and oxygen monitor to aid in the detection of gastrointestinal disorders.
The GastroCH4ECK® portable breath CH4, H2 and O2 monitor allows health professionals to accurately detect a range of gastrointestinal disorders. An O2 reading is taken to motivate patients into providing an end-tidal sample. If they are unable to do this the GastroCH4ECK® will automatically correct the reading saving the patient from embarrassment and having to carry out another test.
Inc. 50 Mouthpieces or 50 Breath bags,
Breath sample line and Calibration Screwdriver
Why is it important?
The monitor provides accurate and real-time combined CH4, H2 and O2 monitoring.
The GastroCH4ECK® is a portable breath CH4, H2 and O2 monitor that helps health professionals to accurately detect a range of gastrointestinal disorders. An O2 reading is taken to motivate patients into providing an end-tidal sample. If they are unable to do this the GastroCH4ECK® will automatically correct the reading saving the patient from embarrassment and having to carry out another test.
A percentage of patients do not produce hydrogen and therefore would not be diagnosed by the use of hydrogen breath testing (HBT) alone. Therefore the role of methane is to ensure that patients who are non-hydrogen producers, but produce methane instead, are not miss-diagnosed.
Most monitors measure hydrogen alone, which identifies less than 50% of sufferers2 . Methane is detected in 30%-50% of the healthy adult population worldwide3.
Why GastroCH4ECK®?
"If you are serious about providing a Gold Standard breath testing service, the Bedfont® GastroCH4ECK® system is essential, as without methane monitoring you will be missing very important clinical information and increase your percentage of false negative tests. It is also very important to map patients symptoms prior to and during the test to make sure the clinical translation of the physiological findings are maximised."
Dr Anthony Hobson from the Functional Gut Clinic
The GastroCH4ECK® combined methane and hydrogen breath test can be used to detect:
• Fructose intolerance
• Glucose intolerance
• Lactose Intolerance
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Benefits for the user
• The monitor provides hydrogen and methane breath sampling with instant results.
• The breath bag sampling options allows for simultaneous testing of larger groups or remote testing for patients who cannot provide samples directly in person.
• The monitor only requires calibration once per month, saving precious time and calibration gas costs.
• O2 correction for accurate results
• There is a real-time traffic light dial and smiley face system to motivate patients and indicate how the test is going.
• Fast warm up time of less than 30 minutes
• Consumables contain anti-bacterial filters for optimum infection control